Category Archives: Billets

CfP: History of Intellectual Culture (HIC) – International Yearbook of Knowledge and Society

History of Intellectual Culture (HIC) is a new international and interdisciplinary open access yearbook for peer-reviewed papers, edited by Charlotte A. Lerg, Johan Östling, Jana Weiß and published by De Gruyter.

Proposal deadline: May 17, 2021

Launch_HIC_CfP_Vol._1 (PDF)

Publication: Universitätsmatrikeln im deutschen Südwesten

We are pleased to report the publication of

Universitätsmatrikeln im deutschen Südwesten. Bestände, Erschließung und digitale Präsentation. Beiträge zur Tagung im Universitätsarchiv Heidelberg am 16. und 17. Mai 2019, ed. par Heike Hawicks, Ingo Runde (Heidelberger Schriften zur Universitätsgeschichte Vol. 9), Heidelberg (Verlag Winter) 2020.

and espacially the contribution of Rainer Christoph Schwinges, “Gelehrte von Heidelberg und anderswo. Einblicke in die Datenbank des Repertorium Academicum Germanicum (RAG)”, pp. 273-305.

Presentation and summary

X. Heloise Workshop 29 – 30 March 2021, Bologna

L’Europa delle Università: contesti comuni e peculiarità locali attraverso l’esame delle fonti (origini – XX secolo)

Universities in Europe: common contexts and local peculiarities through source analysis (origins – 20th century)

Virtual Conference on Microsoft Teams. To participate in the event, you must register by 15 March at the following email address:



La mobilità accademica nella storia dell’università di Padova: il progetto Bo2022

Il II convegno SISMED della medievistica italiana si terrà a Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena) nei giorni 17-19 giugno 2021 e sarà strutturato in sessioni parallele, composte da più panel.

Responsabili del progetto:

Maria Cristina La Rocca,
Giulia Zornetta,

Partecipanti: Kaspar Gubler, Pierluigi Terenzi, Giulia Zornetta, Stefania Zucchini

SISMED_Panel_Bo2022 (PDF)

Utrecht – novembre 2017

At the end of the first day, we spent one hour before dinner visiting the Utrecht university Hall.

On the secund day of our workshop, we beginn by a visit of the University Museum.

Thanks to Leen Dorsman for this moment.


Publication: Per una storia digitale delle universitá

Les travaux du réseau Heloise ont donné lieu à une publication récente à l’instigation des collègues italiens impliqués dans le projet/Heloise work is the subject of a new publication, on the behalf of the italian partners of the network:

Per una storia digitale delle universitá. Alcune esperienze del network Heloise”, a cura di Willem Frijhoff, Annali della universitá italiane, n° 21, 1/2017.

Ve Heloise Workshop – Madrid – octobre 2015

The proceedings of the 5th Heloise Workshop of Madrid are just published in the Vol.19, Nr.1 of ‘CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades‘.
The Board warmly thanks Manuel Bermejo Castrillo and Tamara El Khoury for the editorial work.

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que les actes de l’Atelier Heloïse V de Madrid viennent juste de paraître dans le tome 19-1 de “CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades“.
Le Bureau remercie chaleureusement Manuel Bermejo Castrillo et Tamara El Khoury pour ce travail éditorial.

Heloise Programm Madrid (PDF)

Comité scientifique / Advisory Committee

A l’issue de l’atelier de Bologne (juin 2013), les participants aux rencontres d’Heloise ont pris la décision de mettre en place un comité scientifique, destiné à piloter l’organisation des rencontres suivantes et des initiatives communes. Il est composé, d’une part, de membres ès qualités, reconnus pour leur compétence en matière de bases de données prosopographiques et d’histoire des universités en Europe (englobant toutes les formes d’enseignement supérieur institutionnalisé), depuis leurs origines médiévales jusqu’à nos jours (Peter Denley, Hilde De Ridder-Symoens, Willem Frijhoff, Jean-Philippe Genet, Victor Karady, Jacques Verger), et, d’autre part, de représentants des bases de données en cours, retenues selon les critères suivants : il doit s’agir de bases centrées sur les universitaires, à savoir les professeurs, étudiants, gradués ou autres membres de l’institution (et non de bases prosopographiques généralistes) ; elles ne doivent pas être des bases personnelles de travail, mais de véritables projets formalisés, qui impliquent en principe une gestion collaborative ; il faut enfin qu’elles soient librement accessibles sur Internet ou au moins destinées à l’être (ce qui exclut les bases à accès privé). Un seul représentant par base participera au comité scientifique, mais chaque équipe pourra éventuellement désigner un suppléant, en plus du titulaire.


The Advisory Committee is in charge of coordinating various initiatives and projects collectively. On the one hand, it is made up of ex officio members who are known for their expertise in the field of the prosopographical databases and the history of European universities (and similar institutions of higher education) from their medieval origin to the present (Peter Denley, Hilde De Ridder-Symoens, Willem Frijhoff, Jean-Philippe Genet, Victor Karady, Jacques Verger). On the other hand, it consists of representatives of every database in progress which would be selected in accordance with the following criteria : these databases have to be focused on the academics, i.e. university teachers, students, graduates, or other members of higher education institutions (unlike a general-interest database) ; they must not be personal work databases but collectively managed projects ; at last they have to be open access databases, at least intentionally, after completion (what excludes private access databases). Only one representative by database will take part in the committee, but each team could possibly appoint a deputy on top of the incumbent.


Members of the Advisory Committee of the Heloïse Network

The advisory committee is made up of ex officio members and representatives of databases who can be replaced by deputies

  • Suse Andresen (deputy for the Repertorium Academicum Germanicum)
  • Caroline Barrera (deputy for the Pool Corpus Project)
  • Francesco Beretta (deputy for the Symogih Project)
  • Manuel Ángel Bermejo Castrillo (representative of the Diccionario de catedráticos españoles de Derecho)
  • Gian Paolo Brizzi (representative of the ASFE Project)
  • Yannis Delmas (representative of the Repertorium Academicum Pictaviense)
  • Peter Denley (ex officio member)
  • Patrick Ferté (representative of the Pool Corpus Project)
  • Willem Frijhoff (ex officio member)
  • Carla Frova (representative of the Onomasticon Project)
  • Jean-Philippe Genet (ex officio member)
  • Jean Hiernard (deputy for the Repertorium Academicum Pictaviense)
  • Victor Karady (ex officio member)
  • Thierry Kouamé (representative of the Studium Parisiense Project)
  • Stéphane Lamassé (deputy for the Studium Parisiense Project)
  • Ulf Morgenstern (representative of the Catalogus Professorum Lipsiensium)
  • Thomas O’Connor (representative of the Irish in Europe Project)
  • Emmanuelle Picard (representative of the Symogih Project)
  • Hilde de Ridder-Symoens (ex officio member)
  • Rainer Christoph Schwinges (representative of the Repertorium Academicum Germanicum)
  • Jacques Verger (ex officio member)
  • Stefania Zucchini (deputy for the Onomasticon Project)